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Bose - SoundTouch speakers/Denon/Artsound

The Bose/Denon/Artsound application is a standard feature of the Ubie and the Ubie KNX. Ubie automatically detects any Bose SoundTouch/Denon/Artsound systems in the installation and displays these in a list. Users may then easily add their Bose/Denon/Artsound to the Qbus Control application so one app may be used to control several separate smart appliances simultaneously, connect them, create scenes, ... Should users have a Qbus or KNX installation, they may also assign the Bose/Denon/Artsound output to switches, detectors and other operating controls of the home automation system so as to be able to control Bose/Denon/Artsound accordingly.



Check here how to connect Sonos or Bose with Ubie.


Updated: 17/07/2023

Version: 1.0



Developer: Qbus